Ana Almeida

Name: Ana AlmeidaPhoto - Ana Almeida

Research Area: Embodied musical experiences across the lifespan

Department: Reid School of Music




Ana Almeida is currently a Postdoctoral Research Assistant at the Music in Human and Social Development Research Group, University of Edinburgh. Her research is part of a collaborative project with the Scottish Chamber Orchestra (SCO Connect) that is investigating the impact of interactive music workshops on the wellbeing of people with dementia. In 2015, she was awarded a PhD in Music (University of Edinburgh), funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, which focused on young children’s spontaneous movement responses to music. Prior to this, Ana was a research fellow in the Laboratório de Música e Comunicação na Infância at FCSH-Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL), where she also attained a Master’s degree in Contemporary Art History, that discussed the creative use of sound by visual artists, a Postgraduate degree in Music Teacher Training and a BA in Musical Sciences.

In parallel with her academic work, Ana sang in a wide variety of choirs and vocal ensembles. With Grupo Vocal Olisipo she attended masterclasses led by world-renowned vocal ensembles including The King’s Singers and Hilliard Ensemble, and premiered several contemporary pieces as well as the first modern editions of Portuguese Renaissance and Baroque choral works. Ana also participated in international (choral) competitions winning first prize at the 24th International May Choir Competition (Bulgaria), Tampere Choir Festival 97 (Finland) and 36th International Contest of Choral Singing “C.A.Seghizzi” (Italy). As a vocal improviser, Ana has performed in many experimental events in Lisbon organised by Granular (e.g. Improvisível, Multiplismos) and attended workshops with avant-garde singers such as Meredith Monk, Fátima Miranda, Amelia Cuni, Phil Minton and Trevor Wishart.

Ana also worked for the most prominent Education Services in Portugal (e.g. Casa da Música) where she developed and led music workshops. During her time at Casa da Música Ana also collaborated on artistic and community projects such as BebéBabá, an initiative for mothers and babies living in prison, Ícaro, an all inclusive dance and music performance, and SOUND=SPACE, a series of creative sessions for children within an interactive musical environment in which movement is transformed into sound. Ana also sang for Disney animation dubbing (European Portuguese), and as a regular performer with Companhia de Música Teatral participated in shows for young audiences all over Europe and recorded numerous acclaimed CDs for children.


Research Interests

  • Creative movement to music in early years
  • Parent-infant music interaction
  • Improvisation and creative play
  • Interactive music workshops for people with dementia
  • Movement observation and analysis in naturalistic settings


Musical Interests 

  • Free vocal improvisation (Voice Impro Lab, new project starting soon)
  • Workshops and performances for very young audiences

New Image


Almeida, A., Overy, K. & Miell, D. (under review). Playing with the beat: a process-oriented approach to studying sensorimotor synchronization in early childhood. In Lesaffre, M., Leman, M. & Maes, P-J (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Embodied Music Interaction. New York: Routledge.

Almeida, A. (under review). Moving Freely to Music: A Child-friendly Research Practice in Early Years. In Daniel, S. & Trevarthen, C. (Eds.), Companionship: The Rhythm of Relating in Children’s Therapies. London: Jessica Kingsley Publications.

Almeida, A. P. (2012). Fluxus e a Música Do-it-yourself – Judson Dance Theater, o Movimento do Quotidiano. In Acciaiouli, M. & Castro, P. F. (Eds.), A Música e Dança nas Artes Plásticas do Séc. XX [Dance and Music in the 20th Century Visual Arts] (pp. 155-168). Lisboa: Edições Colibri.

Almeida, A. P., Girão, L., Rodrigues, P. M., Rodrigues, H., Neto & Mónica M. (2011). SOUND=SPACE Opera: Choreographing Life Within an Interactive Musical Environment. International Journal on Disability and Human Development, 10(1), 49-53.

Almeida, A. P. (2007). O Universo dos Sons nas Artes Plásticas [The Universe of Sound in the Plastic Arts]. Lisboa: Edições Colibri.


International conference papers

Almeida, A. (2012). Using Visual Imagery to Connect Movement and Musical Experiences. In Abstract Proceedings of Hearing, Seeing and Imagining: Visual Arts and Music Summer Workshop, 28-31 August (p. 19). East Sussex: Music in Human and Social Development Research Group/ECA-University of Edinburgh.

Almeida, A. P., Girão, L. M., Gehlhaar, R., Rodrigues, P. M. & H. Rodrigues (2009). SOUND=SPACE: Music Perception in Action. In Méndez-Vilas, A. et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Multimedia and Information & Communication Technologies in Education, 22-24 April (vol. II, pp. 1199-1203). Badajoz: Formatex.

Rodrigues, P. M., F. Lopes, Almeida, A. P., N. Peixoto, M. Mónica, J. Branco, P.J. Neto, J.A. Gomes & R. Penha (2009). How Computers Shape Educational Activities at Casa da Música. In Méndez-Vilas, A. et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Multimedia and Information and Communication Technologies in Education, 22-24 April (vol. II, pp. 1199-1203). Badajoz: Formatex.

Almeida, A. P., Girão, L. M., Gehlhaar, R., Rodrigues, P. M., Neto, P. & Mónica, M. (2008). SOUND=SPACE OPERA. In Sharkey, P. et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Disability Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies, with ArtAbilitation, 8-11 September (pp. 347-354). Lisbon: ICDVRAT/University of Reading.

Almeida, A. P., Girão, L. M., Gehlhaar, R., Rodrigues, P. M. (2008). SOUND=SPACE Update at Casa da Música. In Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Developmental Psychology of Music, 10-12 September (pp. 80-84). London: Roehampton University.

Gehlhaar, R., Girão, L. M., Rodrigues, P. M. & Almeida, A. P. (2008). Musical Topologies in Sound=Space. In Sims, W. L. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 28th ISME World Conference, 20-25 July (pp. 103-106). Bologna: ISME.

Rodrigues, H., Almeida, A. P. & Rodrigues, P. (2008). Early Childhood and Music in Community – Pathways Between Research, Professional Training and Artistic Production. In Abstract Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Developmental Psychology of Music, 0-12 September (p.52). London: Roehampton University.


Unpublished works

Almeida, A., Garrido, A. G., Moore, E., Wilson, G., Rodgers, S., Davidson-Kelly, K. and Overy, K. (2016). An Evaluation of SCO ReConnect: Music Workshops for People Living with Dementia. Unpublished report, Scottish Chamber Orchestra and Institute for Music in Human and Social Development, University of Edinburgh, UK.

Almeida, A. (2015). Embodied Musical Experiences in Early Childhood (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Edinburgh, UK.


Unpublished works

Almeida, A., Garrido, A. G., Moore, E., Wilson, G., Rodgers, S., Davidson-Kelly, K. and Overy, K. (2016). An Evaluation of SCO ReConnect: Music Workshops for People Living with Dementia. Unpublished report, Scottish Chamber Orchestra and Institute for Music in Human and Social Development, University of Edinburgh, UK.

Almeida, A. (2015). Embodied Musical Experiences in Early Childhood (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Edinburgh, UK.


Invited Lectures & Conference Presentations

Almeida, A. (2016) Video Observation & Analysis: Young Children’s Movement Responses to Rhythmic Music, Musician Movement: Capture and Analysis Workshop, University of Edinburgh, UK, 8th March 2016.

Almeida, A. (2015) Movement Responses to Music in Early Childhood. Musical Learning Across the Lifespan (MLAL) Symposium, Don Wright Faculty of Music, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada, 17th October 2015.

Almeida, A. (2015). Movement Responses to Rhythmic Music in Early Years. Undergraduate Course – Special History in Music: A Century of Rhythm, The Reid School of Music, University of Edinburgh, UK, 6th October 2015.

Almeida, A. (2014) The Embodied Beat: Children’s Movement Choices to Rhythmic Music. Music Research Seminars Series, The Reid School of Music, University of Edinburgh, UK, 20th February 2014.

Almeida, A. (2013) Embodied Musical Experiences in Early Childhood. Discover Dalcroze Conference. Music Centre, University of St. Andrews, UK, 3rd November 2013.

Almeida, A. (2012) Embodied Collective Experiences. MSc Music in the Community, The Reid School of Music, University of Edinburgh, UK, 14th March 2012.

Almeida, A. (2011) Embodied Musical Experiences in Young Children. Postgraduate Research Conference – ECA, St Cecilia’s Hall, University of Edinburgh, UK, 1st December 2011.

Almeida, A. (2011) Community Projects at Casa da Música. MSc Music in the Community, The Reid School of Music, University of Edinburgh, UK, 16th November 2011.

Almeida, A. (2011) Quando eu era pequenino… [When I was little…]. Teachers & Education Practitioners Training, Education Service of Casa da Música, Porto, Portugal, 19th November 2011.

Almeida, A. P. (2010) Listening to Motion: Young Children’s Perception in Action within SOUND=SPACE. 1st International Conference of Music, Communication and Human Development, LAMCI / FCSH – New University of Lisbon, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon, Portugal, 8th of April 2010.

Almeida, A. (2009) Embodied Music Interactions in Non-formal Learning Environments. The Masters’ Lessons – LAMCI/CESEM, FCSH-New University of Lisbon, Portugal, 19th December 2009.

Almeida, A. & Rodrigues, H. (2009) Music Learning Theory as a Source of Inspiration for Artistic Performances and Music in Community Projects. Europejskie Seminarium Gordonowskie [European Gordon Seminar], Bydgoszcz, Poland, 23rd May 2009.

Almeida, A. P. (2009). SOUND=SPACE: Music Perception in Action. 5th International Conference on Multimedia & Information and Communication Technologies in Education, Rectory of the New University of Lisbon, Portugal, 23rd of April 2009.

Almeida, A. (2008). SOUND=SPACE OPERA. 7th International Conference on Disability Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies with ArtAbilitation – University of Reading (org.), Casa da Música, Porto, Portugal, 11th September 2008.

Almeida, A. & Rodrigues, H. (2008). Music Guidance for Babies and Young Children. Babelut Festival, Musica – Impulscentrum Voor Muziek, Neerpelt, Belgium, 6th March 2016.


Selected Recordings

Duarte, H. (Director). (2011). Andakibebé (live performance at Casa da Música) [DVD]. Portugal: Companhia de Música Teatral.

Rodrigues, P. M. (2008). All songs [Recorded by Almeida, A. P. et al.]. On Enciclopédia da Música com Bicho – Tomo VI – Patrulha dos Animais [Encyclopedia of Musical Bugs – Animals’ Patrol; Penguin; Little Ant; Chicken Pedrês; Butterfly; Snail] [CDs]. Lisbon: Companhia de Música Teatral.

Rodrigues, P. M. (2010). All arranged compositions [Recorded by Almeida, A. P. et al.]. On Bach2Cage [CD]. Aveiro: University of Aveiro.

Rodrigues, P. M. (2004). All Songs [Recorded by Almeida, A. et al.]. On Morte e Nascimento de uma Flor [Death and Birth of a Flower] [CD]. Lisbon: Companhia de Música Teatral.

Nunes, P. S. (Director). (2004). Explorations in Early Childhood Music [VHS]. USA: GIA Publications.

Rodrigues, P. M. (2003). All songs [Recorded by Almeida, A. et al.]. On Andakibebé [CD]. Porto: Campo das Letras.

Nunes, P. S. (Director). (2003). BebéBabá – Da Musicalidade dos Afectos à Música com Bebés [From the Musicality of Affections to the Music with Babies] [VHS] (& Book Portugal: Campo das Letras.

Morago, E. L. (1997). All compositions [Recorded by Grupo Vocal Olisipo]. On Responsórios e Motetes de Natal – Estevão Lopes Morago [Christmas Responsories and Motets – Estevão Lopes Morago] [CD]. Lisbon: Movieplay Classics.

Brito, E. (1995). All compositions [Recorded by Grupo Vocal Olisipo]. On Officium Defunctorum – Estevão de Brito [CD]. Lisbon: Movieplay Classics.


Funding Awarded

2016 Youth Music Initiative Training & CPD Fund, Scotland, UK

2015  Gerry Farrell Travelling Scholarship, Society for Education and Music Psychology Research (SEMPRE), UK

2012 PRE Award, ECA, University of Edinburgh, UK  

2011 – 2014   Doctoral Grant: Artistic Studies/Music, FCT, Portugal

2009 Apoios Pontuais: Artes Digitais, DGArtes, Portugal

2003 – 2004 Masters Grant: Artistic Studies/History of Art, FCT, Portugal

1999  Short-term Study Scholarship in USA, Luso-American Development Foundation, Portugal



Invited Lecturer, MSc Music in the Community (2 Seminars), The Reid School of Music, University of Edinburgh, UK

Lecturer, Postgraduate Certification in Music Education, Musical Sciences Department, New University of Lisbon, Portugal

Lecturer, Early Years Education – Teacher Training (undergraduate course), Communication & Art Department, University of Aveiro, Portugal


Recent training courses (selection)


Developmental Psychology (14th April – 16th June), Short Courses, University of Edinburgh, UK


Ingenious Women – Support for Female Researchers (22nd April – 19th June), Institute for Academic Development, University of Edinburgh, UK


Music Moves: Why Does Music Make You Move? (1st February – 10th March), Future Learn, University of Oslo


Startup Business Bootcamp (15th – 22th February), Launch.ed, University of Edinburgh, UK


Embodied Mind, Embodied Design (19th November), School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Science and School of Education, University of Edinburgh, UK

2012 – 2015

Certification Programme in Laban Bartenieff Movement Studies, Laban Institute for Movement Studies, LIMS-New York

Module III (27th July – 11th August 2015), Agape, Koolskamp, Belgium

Modules II (3rd – 19th January 2013), Moving Forth, Edinburgh, UK

Module I (18th June – 7th July 2012), DMPS, Edinburgh, UK


Understanding Movement Through the Kestenberg Movement Profile: Applications with Children, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, UK


An Integrated and Developmentally Appropriate Physical Education and Physical Activity Approach for Children – Professional Development Workshops, Moray House School of Education, University of Edinburgh, UK

Early Moves: 3 – 5 years old (6th July)

Basic Moves: 5 – 8 years old (7th July)



Member of the International Society for Music Education (ISME)

Member of the Centro de Estudos de Sociologia e Estética Musical (CESEM), Portugal