Selected Recent Publications
In press
Bhachu, D., Cooper, A. & Moran, N. (in press). Interaction in Indian music: Connections and critical reflection. In: Garrett, M. & Stover, C. (eds.). Musical Interaction. University of Chicago Press
Gilchrist, D, Whitney, K & Overy, K. (in press). How does vocal portamento differ from glissando? A case study. In: Delafield-Butt & Reddy, V. (Eds). Intersubjective Minds: Rhythm, Sympathy, and Human Being. Oxford University Press.
MacDonald, R. (2022). Improvisation. In: The Oxford Handbook of Music Performance, Volume 1. McPherson, G. E. (ed.). 1 ed. NYC: Oxford University Press, Vol. 1. p. 213-233
MacDonald, R. & Saarikallio, S. (2022). Musical identities in action: Embodied, situated, and dynamic. In: Musicae Scientiae, 26(4), 729–745.
Oakland, J. & MacDonald, R. (2022). Identity and the performing musician. In: The Oxford Handbook of Music Performance, Volume 1. MacPherson, G. E. (ed.). 1 ed. NYC: Oxford University Press, Vol. 1. p. 651-669.
Haire, N. & MacDonald, M. (2021). Thinking through improvisation: How arts-based reflexivity can offer new knowing about music therapists’ experiences of humour in music therapy, In: Voices A World Forum For Music Therapy. 21 (2).
Hodi, R. & Overy, K. (2021). Supporting Literacy Skills through Music: the Musical Activities Programme (MAP). In: The Dyslexia Handbook, British Dyslexia Association.
Lund, H. N., Hannibal, N., Mainz, J., MacDonald, R. & Nygaard Pedersen, I. (2021, E-pub ahead of print). Music, sleep, and depression: An interview study. Psychology of Music.
MacDonald, R. (2021). The social functions of music: Communication, Wellbeing, Art, Ritual, Identity and Social networks (C- WARIS). In: Creech, A., Hodges, D. A. & Hallam, S. (eds.). Routledge International Handbook of Music Psychology in Education and the Community. 1 ed. London: Routledge, p. 5-21.
MacDonald, R. & Birrell, R. (2021). Flattening the curve: Glasgow Improvisers Orchestra’s use of virtual improvising to maintain community during COVID-19 pandemic. Critical Studies in Improvisation. 14, 2-3.
MacDonald, R., Wilson, G. & Baker, F. (2021). Musical creativity and well-being. In: Donin, N. (ed.). The Oxford Handbook of the Creative Process in Music. Oxford University Press.
MacGlone, U. M., Wilson, G. B. & MacDonald, R. (2021) (E-pub ahead of print). Developing categories for children’s creative and responsive musical actions in group improvisation: A mixed methods action research study. Early Child Development and Care.
MacGlone, U., Wilson, G. & MacDonald, R. (2021, E-pub ahead of print). “I don’t know how musically creative they should be at that age”: A qualitative study of parents’ and teachers’ beliefs about young children’s creative and musical capacities. In: Psychology of Music.
Okely, J., Deary, I. & Overy, K. (2021). The Edinburgh Lifetime Musical Experience Questionnaire (ELMEQ): Non-musical correlates in the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936. PLoS ONE 16(7): e0254176. (IF: 3.240)
Overy K. (Ed)(2020-21). Music, Selves and Societies. Music and Science.
MacGlone, U., Wilson, G., Vamvakaris, J. & MacDonald, R., 14 Dec 2020. Understanding the effects of a community music programme for people with disabilities: a mixed methods, person-centred study. Frontiers in Psychology. 11. 588734.
Haire, N. & Macdonald, R. (2019, E-pub ahead of print). Humour in music therapy: A narrative literature review. Nordic Journal of Music Therapy. p. 1-18
Eerola, T., Jakubowski, K., Moran, N., Keller, P. E. & Clayton, M. (2019). Shared periodic performer movements coordinate interactions in duo improvisations. Royal Society Open Science. 5, 2, 171520.
Schiavio, A., van der Schyff, D., Biasutti, M., Moran, N. & Parncutt, R. (2019). Instrumental Technique, Expressivity, and Communication: A qualitative study on learning music in individual and collective settings. Frontiers in Psychology. 10, 737.
Wilson, G. & MacDonald, R. (2019). The social impact of musical engagement for young adults with learning difficulties: a qualitative study. Frontiers in Psychology. 10:1300.
Hadley, L., Sturt, P., Moran, N. & Pickering, M. (2018). Determining the end of a musical turn: Effects of tonal cues. Acta Psychologica, 182, 189-193.
Halpern, A. & Overy, K. (2018). Voluntary Auditory Imagery and Music Pedagogy. The Oxford Handbook of Sound and Imagination. Grimshaw, M., Walther-Hansen, M. & Knakkergaard, M. (eds.). Oxford University Press.
Overy, K. (2018). Dynamic Emotional Narratives and Vocal Expression: Comment on “An Integrative Review of the Enjoyment of Sadness Associated with Music” by Eerola et al. Physics of Life Reviews. Volume 25, p. 142-143. (IF: 9.478)
Overy, K. (2018). A zenei agy: Tanulás és memória. Magyar Tudomány. Volume 179 (6), 826–830.
Almeida, A., Overy, K., & Miell, D. (2017). Playing with the Beat: A Process-Oriented Approach to Studying Sensorimotor Synchronization in Early Childhood. The Routledge Companion to Embodied Music Interaction, 40.
Huang, Y., Coleman, S., Barnhill, E., MacDonald, R. & Moran, N. (2017). How do conductors’ movements communicate compositional features and interpretational intentions? Psychomusicology: Music, Mind and Brain. 27, 3, p. 148-157.
MacDonald, R., Hargreaves, D. J., & Miell, D. (Eds.). (2017). Handbook of musical identities. Oxford University Press.
Moran, N., (2017). Agency in Embodied Musical Interaction. The Routledge Companion to Embodied Music Interaction, 40.
Moran, N., (2017). Performing Music: Oral and Improvising Traditions. The Routledge Companion to Music Cognition
Wilson, G.B., & MacDonald, R. (2017). The Ear of the Beholder. Handbook of Musical Identities, 105.
Anderson, K. (2016) Ex Nemo ad Aliquis: “From Nobody to Somebody” Theatre Nemo’s role in Scottish Prisons. [online]. Available at:
Drury, R. & Fletcher-Watson, B. (2016). “The baby audience: the impact and implications of child development research on performing arts practice for the very young”, Journal of Early Childhood Research, 14(1), 1-13.
Fletcher-Watson, B. (2016). “Live-streaming to your living room: towards a new model of social inclusion and relaxed performance”, Coup de Théâtre (30)1, (in press).
Anderson, K. (2015) Documenting arts practitioners’ practice in prisons: “What do you do in there?” The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, 54 (4) pp. 371-383. The Howard League and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Davidson-Kelly, K., Schaefer, R. S., Moran, N., & Overy, K. (2015). “Total inner memory”: Deliberate uses of multimodal musical imagery during performance preparation. Psychomusicology: Music, Mind, and Brain, 25(1), 83.
Anderson, K. (2014) Music in Scottish prisons: a new direction? Scottish Justice Matters, Centre for Crime and Justice Studies
Anderson, K. & Sparks, R. (2014) Inspiring Change: evaluating arts and justice initiatives, Centre for Crime and Justice Studies
Barnhill, E. (2014). Entrainment is sparse. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 8.
Moir, Z., & Overy, K. (2013). 14 The impact of cochlear implants on musical experience. Medicine, Health and the Arts: Approaches to the Medical Humanities, 246.
Schaefer, R. S., Overy, K., & Nelson, P. (2013). Affect and non-uniform characteristics of predictive processing in musical behaviour. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 36(03), 226-227.