Name: Diljeet Kaur Bhachu
PhD Title: All music, music for all: Exploring a creative approach to musical learning that is accessible to all
Department: Reid School of Music
Supervisors: Prof Raymond MacDonald & Dr Nikki Moran
Diljeet Bhachu is a PhD research candidate in Music at the University of Edinburgh, funded by the AHRC through the Scottish Graduate School for Arts and Humanities. Prior to this, Diljeet completed an MSc in Applied Educational and Social Research and a BA in Applied Music, both at the University of Strathclyde, where she developed an interest in music education, completing two research projects looking at memorisation skills, performance anxiety and performing, teaching and learning experiences. Diljeet also works as a freelance musician, and is a practitioner and researcher in inclusive arts settings. Her PhD will draw on the influence of her practice, to explore and develop the potential use of community music principles for Primary classroom music activities that are accessible to all learners and teachers.
Research Interests
Equality, diversity and inclusion in music education and the wider music industry; decolonisation of music education; representation of women of colour in academia and the creative industries.
Invited Lectures & Conference Presentations
Bhachu, D. (2016) Exploring Scottish generalist teachers’ experiences with and perceptions of music education. International Society for Music Education World Conference, Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Glasgow, 24th-29th July 2016
Bhachu, D. (2016) Learning to facilitate musical learning: exploring the journeys of inclusive music practitioners. Community Music Activity Commission, International Society for Music Education World Conference, Edinburgh College, Edinburgh, 19th-22nd July 2016
October 2015 AHRC North West Consortium PG Conference, Keele University
October 2015 Sempre PG Study Day
May 2015 Symposium of the Paradigms of Teaching Musical Instruments in the 21st Century IV, University of Evora, Portugal.
October 2014 Sempre PG Study Day
Poster Presentations
Bhachu, D. (2016) Exploring the attitudes, beliefs, perceptions and experiences of facilitators of musical learning. Poster Session presented at the Scottish Association for Music Education 20th Annual Conference, University of Stirling, Stirling, 1st-2nd September 2016
Bhachu, D. (2016) Learning to facilitate musical learning: exploring the journeys of inclusive music practitioners., Poster Session presented at the International Society for Music Education World Conference, Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Glasgow, 26th July 2016
Funding Awarded
2016 – SGSAH Cohort Development Funding
2015 AHRC Conference Travel bursary
2014-2017 AHRC Doctoral Training Partnership
2011-2012 Carnegie Cameron Taught Postgraduate Bursary
Sept –Dec 2016, University of Edinburgh: Research Methods in Music (MUSI10066)
Aug 2016, University of Aberdeen: But… I’m Not a Social Scientist! Exploring Qualitative Research in the Arts and Humanities (2-day workshop, funded by SGSAH Cohort Development Fund)
Friday 23rd September – Herland: Silverwear, Glasgow Women’s Library
Group Organisation
Collect:if – a network at Glasgow Women’s Library for BAME Women Creatives
2016 SGSAH Theories of Knowledge Essay Competition (£250)
2015 SGSAH KETIC “Core Skills” working group
2014 – 2016 SGSAH Knowledge Exchange, Training and Industries Committee (KETIC)
2014-2016 Musicians Union Regional Committee Member (Scotland and Northern Ireland)
2014-2016 SGSAH Doctoral Researcher Committee (DRC)
2011 Lord Stone Award for Excellence in Honours Project